Thursday, January 29, 2009

DD-ing Gets an Advance

Wearable media can be considered relatively new to the average person; we're typically more comfortable with thinking of our cellphones/smartphones/etc as being our main bridge between human and technology. However wearable media, like a gps able watch for example, is looking to become more popular, and one sure fire way to do it is to make them more useful. 
Here is one take from a collaboration between the The Province of Brescia and MIT Mobile Experience Laboratory featured on Core77's design blog, read the article here. Their invention is called and it connects a social network of people through cellphones and media bracelets in order to facilitate safe drinking situations. With the unfortunate amount of drunk driving that occurs every year this looks to be a comprehensive, technologically forward solution option. Watch the video below to see this wearable media in action.

Ride.Link - Scenario from MIT Mobile Experience Lab on Vimeo.

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