Tuesday, May 12, 2009

New Shoes?!

On route to Milan last month, Core77 caught up with the Campana Brothers to get the lowdown on their latest project, the Corallo flat for Brazilian jelly shoe giant Melissa. These look completely impractical, but then again what beautiful shoes are??


New way to hold those Mother's Day Gifts from core77: article here. I'm not sure I would personally put this in my home; I am more one for the pretty with the pretty, organic with orgranic, abstract with abstract, etc. But I understnad the juxtaposition. And I totally respect the innovation...I mean how many times can you design a vase??

Recyyycle Everything

More recycleables! Tel Aviv designers DEMO / design clinic have designed a series of lamps using plumbing parts. And the lamps are made of galvanised iron; the bulbs are turned on and off using a tap-like switch. Here's a couple of the collection!

Here I come Real World

***This survey was left open from November 5 to December 16 of 2008. Respondents comprised a broad sampling of the global creative community, representing over 60 countries, and ranging from recent graduates to seasoned senior managers. They were asked to identify themselves as one of 18 different Positions (see the second graph, below) and one of the eight Specialties used by Coroflot to tag portfolios: Design Management, Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Interaction Design, Interior Design, Architecture, Fashion, and new this year, Web Design.

Read analysis here.

Design Salary Survey 2001-2007

Inhouse vs. Consultancy vs. Freelance Salaries 2007

Comparative International Design Salaries 2007

Comparative Salary Ranges of Design Professions 2007

Regional Growth in Real Wages of Designers 2001-2007

Regional Growth in Real Wages of Designers 2001-2007

Regional Growth in Real Wages of Designers 2001-2007

Monday, May 11, 2009

Perspective much?

Lisa Rienermann won eighth place in a student design competition with Type the Sky, an alphabet formed of shapes buildings make against the sky. I think its fantastic!!

Rub a Dub

Welcome to the Tender Tub....the most wonderful looking tub I have ever seen. I'm not sure if ergonomic is the right word, but this looks like it is perfectly made to be the most comfortable thing for the human body. Although thinking in terms as a college student and an RA who monitors drunk college students, I feel as if one too many classes of wine and a hot bath equals one step away from impaling yourself on those corners.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Vacuum creeper

Introduced by Panasonic and called the Fukitorimushi, or "wipe-up bug," the device provides feedback by activating a Cylon-like red light when it detects dirt, so you know when it's working. Because otherwise, as you can see in this video, it's not very clear it's doing anything at all. Its supposed to be an improvement on the Rumba, but if I saw these crawling around at night, I'd be freaked.