Friday, February 27, 2009

Blue Baby Blue

So have you ever thought what that beautiful blue ink you just used to scrawl 
all your history notes would look like on your walls? What about your furniture? We designer Tomas Gabzdil Libertiny of Studio Libertiny didn't just wonder, he did. He made The Bic Blue Cabinet:

The cabinet is completely coated in the same exact ink used in Bic Crystal Ball Point pens.
Bic actually provided the blue ink, but Carmen and I decided it would be much more interesting if he had actually extracted the ink himself, pen by pen.
Read the full article here.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sustainable Light

African based Cape Town creative consultancy Animal Farm are launching their new Lite at Design Indaba Expo. Designed so that it can only fit an energy save bulb, Lite is light on electricity and spun from plantation wood so it’s sustainable and light on the environment. Although this is a very interesting and eye catching design solution, I think the most important thing to note is that it ONLY holds energy saver light bulbs. This seems to be the trend...forcing (in a sense) people to use energy saving devices.

Friday, February 20, 2009

My shell!

So I forgot to post the most important part of my device, the shell itself! So here is how I converted a palm treo (scroll down to earlier post to see original image) into my own device shell. Here it is!:

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Practical Solutions

So this may not be the most amazing or exciting piece of new technology but its something almost every person would find useful. Here is a new tube dispensing technology from UK company Butterfly Technology to solve those toothpaste woes. I mean who hasn't gotten frustrated with trying to squeeze out the last drops of toothpaste? this is also a really good example of how design and technology is not just for electronics or high functioning products or new technologies, etc. It is also a great asset for solving everyday practical problems. Read the core77 article here and take a look at the cool video below.

2 Touches

In this article core77 posts a clip of Sharp's new dual-touch screen phone. It's a video from a snotty French man who apparently doesn't like the phone, but it's main significance is that it's a first look at this new phone. See the video below!

Friday, February 6, 2009


Here's the logo I came up with for my device, it's pretty self explanatory:

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Phone for Internet Junkies

Ok so we all new phones were getting more and more high tech; but what about more specialized? Sure we have phone that can do everything under the sun, but there's something to be said for editing. In reality most people use their phone for a repetition of the same handful of functions, like email/text or email/phone/navigation or text/internet/phone, etc. Personally, I use my phone for text, phone, and the alarm clock; yes there are some other useful functions, but overall there alot of other stuff that I'm never even going to touch. What about a phone that is specifically geared to what you use it for the most. Mozilla may be onto something with the creation of the their Open Web Phone. Obviously its a phone for those who love to surf the net wherever they are, and as one prototype shows it would be even more customizable than the browser on your computer. Check out the core77 article and give your input on how you think the device can be approved.

Shell base

Here's the photo of my shell I grabbed from the internet:
And here's how I changed to make it my own device!:

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

IDEO Recognition

Core77 just posted on IDEO's founder, David Kelly, receiving the Edison Achievement Award. In light of this event, Fast Company decided to do a series of articles highlighting Kelly's achievement. So I decided to take a look into some of his best work and see what is deserving of this award. The article on 17 Career Lessons caught my attention the most because of my current close-to-graduation state, but check out the others too.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009